When a Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon came to Florida in 1513 BC, he was looking for the Fountain of Youth. He did not learn medicine and he did not know anything about genes and vitamins. But he knew: it has to be water. And he was right: they drink plenty of water in Blue Zones, but not too much, especially in Nicoya, Costa Rica. They say that it is because of the high content of calcium in it. But there is plenty of calcium in green vegetables, especially organic. Or calcium OTC pills. dermatologist orlando But do they prolong life? Not that I know of. Do we have to drink enough water to live longer? Absolutely!

dermatologist orlando To impact people’s behavior, you have to speak to hearts not just heads, and this principle is not limited heart patients. Consider the story of Jack Murphy who was the subject of the 1974 feature film Murph the Surf, starring Robert Conrad. Murphy was a legendary surfer, concert violinist, National surfing champion, tennis pro, movie stuntman, circus high tower diver, notorious thief and a convicted murderer. In 1968, he was charged with first-degree murder which he denied committing but was, nevertheless, convicted and sentenced to life in prison.

best dermatologist orlando I bolted out of the tent and RAN about 1/4 mile to the only phone booth at the Ranger Station (unmanned). I remembered I had seen a Volunteer ambulance parked outside of an empty fire station and realized I wouldn’t trust my life to their hands. OF COURSE I was a paramedic at the time! So rather than chance 9-1-1 would dispatch THEM, I called the local hospital ER, about 20 miles away.

I have previously griped loudly about modern medicine in this forum, but not this time. best dermatologist in orlando Sure, as my mother used to always say when she commented on my school report card, “there is always room for improvement”. Today, however, I am very thankful for medical advances. No bloody gashing of the flesh to open up the knee. No extensive suturing to close the incision. No long and dreaded recovery, heavy medication or overwhelming pain killers, rehabilitation or intensive convalescence.

orlando dermatologists I told her I could not have surgery until after January 10th because I had committed to some substitute teaching jobs for some dear friends. She said that was okay but I needed to call the hospital and go in for a pre-surgery screening. She said she would send in the orders to the hospital.

I ran to my bike, fired it up, hopped on and with my glasses tweaked and the headlight pointing UP to the trees on my right side, I hauled down the dirt road and then on to the highway, all the time taking very slow and easy inhalations as I noticeably felt my airway restricting.

There I was, early thirties, blonde, tan, living the life in Florida. I enjoyed being outdoors and always wore a good SPF content in my hair and skin products. It turns out that had nothing to do with why I was or wasn’t losing my hair. In my case, hormones and medical conditions seem to be the bad guys. It really doesn’t matter, I guess, I know that it’s beyond my control to change it. That makes it hard.

Piction Health Dermatology – Orlando
Phone: (781) 650-4492
111 N Orange Ave Suite 800
Orlando, FL 32801

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